Recent Posts by admin

How to proactively confront layoff anxiety

Layoff anxiety’ is real today. A constant concern about losing one’s livelihood can not only be discouraging but also lead to mental health issues, reflected by anxiety, stress and depression. Here are six ways to proactively confront your layoff anxiety and keep the fears from getting the better of you....

Win with a blue ocean strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy, a very popular book by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, spells out the strategy to make your candidacy unique and valuable. In a blue ocean, you create an altogether new way of looking at things and a new value offering that’s different from the rest, making your competition irrelevant....

Grow your career: 10 valuable lessons from a farmer

Building a good career requires the ability to get along with people, a nurturing environment, and more. One way to look at your career trajectory is like farmers who tend to their land and crop. Here are ten valuable lessons you can learn from a farmer to build your career....

Tips to overcome impostor syndrome

If you find yourself often getting frustrated that you are not good enough and concerned that others may discover this, it may be nothing but your impostor syndrome working overtime. If you find yourself struggling with negative self-thoughts, here are some small steps to combat impostor syndrome and think positively....

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